20+ years
Minimum age
10 minutes
Duration per zone
2-3 procedures
For maximum result
Procedure type
How it works
While the face is in motion, the lines that appear are known as dynamic wrinkles, but repeated movement over time forms deeper lines and folds, known as static wrinkles.
Botox injections work to prevent the formation of static wrinkles, softening and smoothing the appearance of existing fine lines. This treatment is most effective when used as a preventative measure.
Side effects
Depending on the sensitivity of your skin and the medications (such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and other blood thinners) you may be taking, temporary, minor side effects are likely, including
– Slight swelling on or around the treatment area
– Slight tenderness or bruising on or around the treatment area
– Small red dots at the injection site
– Slight headache, depending on the treatment area
Revision appointment
Because results can vary, we recommend a follow-up appointment 2 weeks after the procedure to discuss your results.
What are the advantages of Botox?
Read all about Botox and why SATORI is the best place to get it done
Softening the look
You don’t have to have wrinkles to know you don’t want them in the future. Although their primary goal is to improve or temporarily remove existing fine lines, botulinum toxin treatments can also be used as a preventative measure. They help soften expression lines that form when the face moves, and delay the formation of future wrinkles.
Look refreshed
With age and repetitive muscle movements, lines settle on the face and become visible even at rest. It is these static, permanent lines that can give the face a tired and worn-out appearance. By softening those lines and wrinkles, your face will look fresher, younger-looking and rested.
Shape and symmetry
Botulinum toxin injections can not only reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, but also lift certain parts of the face and balance asymmetrical features.
Not only for wrinkles
Cosmetic aesthetics can also be used to treat non-cosmetic areas. Additional benefits of treating targeted muscles include a reduction in excessive sweating (for example in the underarm area).
High-quality methods
Using market-leading cosmetic products, we achieve high-quality results that emphasize and enhance natural beauty.
Why choose SATORI?
We are qualified and extremely careful with our patients, to receive care and attention, with which we can strengthen our role as one of the best aesthetic centers in Bulgaria.

The effects of the neurotoxin are non-negotiable. The lines are perfectly smoothed, the wrinkles under the eyes are relaxed, the corners of the lips are relaxed and the parallel wrinkles in the neck area are shaded. But they also prevent the appearance of new facial lines.
Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about botulinum toxin. Make an informed decision about the best product for you.
Do botulinum toxin injections hurt?
Everyone experiences pain differently and has a different pain threshold. However, when it comes to Botox injections, most clients compare the feeling of the facial injection to a quick jab. There is a slight discomfort, but it lasts only a few seconds.
How long does botulinum toxin last?
Botulinum toxin begins to work 2-3 days after the procedure and reaches its full effect within 7-14 days. Durability is usually 3 to 5 months depending on your organism.
How often should the procedure be done?
It is recommended that the Botox procedure be repeated before muscle movements return to normal, which is usually after 3-4 months. In this way, there is an overlap of results and a lasting effect.
Injection procedures during pregnancy?
Your safety is our primary concern and for this reason we do not perform injection procedures on clients who are pregnant. We advise against any cosmetic injection procedures during pregnancy as a precautionary measure and due to the lack of available information on the effects of this type of procedure on the fetus.
Aesthetic injection procedures after a vaccine?
We advise you to observe an interval of at least 7 days before or after vaccination.
What do we need to observe BEFORE our botulinum toxin injection appointment?
Avoid vigorous physical activity or large amounts of alcohol for 24 hours, as this increases the risk of bruising after the injection procedure. Aspirin and vitamin E should not be taken one week before the treatment.
What do we need to observe AFTER our botulinum toxin injection appointment?
Avoid vigorous physical activity or large amounts of alcohol for 24 hours, as this increases the risk of bruising after the injection procedure. Keep the head straight until the end of the day – no bending, lying down.

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